Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weight 2011 - Week 38


Just a quick message as i soon have to go for my first training at itrim and a condition test.

Scale said 97,1 this morning. Last 2 days have not been very good with food due to travel. Also managed no runs this week (yet). Tomorrow i have the first chance.

Will see how things go from here. According to itrim i maybe should weigh 83 kg as target instead of 75 due to muscle mass. Don't know what to think of that yet.

Will report back with my findings

Have a good we//Geert

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weight 2011 - week 37 and back up

Another week has flown by and the autumn is coming. It is starting to get dark earlier and earlier.

Harder to do training outside. Only managed 2 runs this week.

Food has been a problem this week again. Situation with sick family members and a teenager leads me to stress. What does that result in, yes, too much food. :((

Anyway, result is unfortunately 97,5 again. Up 1,1 from last week....

So, the last 3 months i hardly lost any weight. Sure, training has gone well, but food remains a problem.

Time to take the bull by the horns. Tomorrow i am going to ring itrim, a weightloss company. They seem to get people to lose quickly and do a lot of coaching. Let's see how that goes.

Will report back how things go next week//Geert

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Yesterdays find

We did some mushroom hunting with elin. She must have given us luck!

Now chantarell sandwich for lunch :))

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Weight 2011 - week 36

Did not manage to update the last few weeks as it has been busy with work and family. Phew, projects and teenagers, what a combination...

Have been a bit inconsistent with food lately. A lot of good days, but i keep falling down regularly. I try not to make too big a thing about that, but it slows the weightloss down unfortunately. I will just have to try and only have good days.

Trainingwise it has been hard to find time for running. The last 2 weeks i only managed a few runs. Condition is still getting better and today i ran 44 minutes. With warmup and cooldown that was 8 km in an hour.

The result then for this morning: 96,4 kg. I finally started losing again. First time under 97. Total loss 33,2 kg. 21,4 kg to target.

Well, let's try to have more good days and find time for running.

Have a good we//Geert

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Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Svärtinge,Sverige