My whole life i have had trouble with my size and weight. From a slightly overweight teenager, I became a fat student, an even fatter 20 something and obese by the time i reached 30.
I managed to lose weight earlier in my life. Once in my early twenties when I went down to about 75 kg through running. Before my wedding in 2006 I managed to lose weight to get to about 91 kg. But, after the wedding the stresses of work and life let me fall back to old habits.
First of january 2011 I had enough of being overweight and only becoming bigger and bigger. Here a little statistics of how things have developed. I managed to go down to about 80 kgs during 2011. But then life happened again and I find myself at 120 kgs again. Time for a restart !
The life of a jojo !
Below some pictures of me in different weight categories:
Target weight : Studying in the UK 1999, 75 kg
Moved into our house 2005, 120 kg

Started at my current job 2006, 91 kg
At work Feb 2010, 125 kg
Before starting Weight 2011 in Dec 2010, 129,6 kg
Week 7, February 2011, 115 kg
Week 13, April 2011, 105,6 kg

2011-07-03 98 kg Idre Fjäll
2011-10-02 97 kg Vrinnevi forest
2011-12-26 79 kg Thumbs up for Christmas.