Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weight 2011 - Week 4


Another week has gone by. Time to weigh in again.

Has been a hard week. With a lot of things happening in the family it has sometimes been hard to keep up motivation. Found myself at home with Elin a couple of days, and found myself in front of cupboards and the fridge a couple of times.. Fortunately, managed to not open them.... Elin has been ill the last nights, and that means going up when she calls. Hard to go past the kitchen on the way back then....

Anyhow.. I'm still on track. The results are slowing down a bit as I suspect my body is getting used to the lower intake.

Results for this week: -1,3 kg which means a total of 10 kg ! (yahoo !). 45 kg to go to target.

When I consider that the original plan was to go down 1 kg a week, it actually is going extermely well. That means that after 4 weeks, I'm 6 kg before schedule.. Hope it keeps up going this way.

Funnily enough food and our new menu still is an inspiration. Had a really nice gullasch-soup this week that Jenny made. Yesterday I made a pie myself that also was very nice. It is easier to say no to food and eat smaller portions if the food you do get is good !

Trainingwise not a good week. Only had my lunchwalk due to circumstances once this week. Am actually starting to feel that I want to start walking and then maybe running again. Hope the weather will allow more of that soon and that I somehow get the time to do that.

By the way, thanks for all the nice reactions. Really good motivation !

That's it for this week. Will report again in a week.

All the best//Geert


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weight 2011 - result week 3


Another week is finished and time to hit the scales again.

I started noticing this week that something is happening. Clothes I could't use anymore now start fitting again. Very happy with that.

The result for this week:
2,4 kg. Total 8,7 kg.

Means only 46,3 kg to target......

Will report again next saturday.


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Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weight 2011 - result week2

Another saturday, time to check the scales and see what the result for the second week is.

Foodwise it has been a good week. We continued with the weekly menu which makes it easier to eat less. Had some hard moments though, waking up hungry in the night, the smell of kebab in the office at lunch.. Managed to steer clear of temptations (except one little meatball from the fridge....)

Started walking again. Managed to do 2 45-minute walks this week during lunch. Not much, but a beginning.

So, the result:
2,1 kg this week
6,3 kg total

Quite happy with that. As i think much more than one kg per week is not reasonable on the long run i'd better not start expecting much more, which is tempting now. Too high expectations reduce motivation if not realised!

will report back next saturday.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Weight 2011 -result week 1

This morning a week has gone since weight 2011 started. Time to hit the scales and see the result:

4,2 kg !

So, that means 50,8 to go to the target.

Now i think this for a part is due to my stomach etc emptying which also reduces weight. Next week will probably be quite a bit lower.

Good news (?j is that jenny started complaining about the smell of my breath. Means that i probably started burning fat (gives bad breath). The trick now is not to get in too many calories, but not get hungry.

Coming week is the first working week under weight 2011. Will have to be careful with lunch then. Hopefully i find the time to do some lunch walks.

Will report again in a week.

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Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige

Friday, January 07, 2011

Weight 2011 - menu week 1

In our family we often have the problem that we don't know what to eat. Often this leads to a trip to the store to buy something or in worst case ready food being brought home. As a part of weight 2011 we are trying something different.

We started using a week menu with recipes and make sure all ingredients are at home. Then it is just a case of doing the recipes. This week has had some nice food:
- Homemade meatballs with brown sauce and potatoes
- potato and artichoke soup with mushrooms and parsley dip. not so nice, but we used the wrong kind or artichoke
- shrimp pasta with dill
- ginger marinated chicken with lime yoghurt
- roast tenderloin with garlic cottage cheese and olive sallad

Funny thing is that due to the recipes and measured portions i seem to eat less and have an easier time not overeating. Funny, trying to lose weight by thinking more about food.

Anyway, we continue next week. Tomorrow is the end of the first week for weight 2011. I had a good week and did only eat my meals, nothing exta (except one "bulle" during "fika"). Have good hopes for my weight tomorrow!

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Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Weight 2011 - interesting facts

The Cost of Calories

Wow... Where are things going. Good motivation!

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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Weight 2011 - week 1

My new years resolution for this year is (again) to lose weight. I have tried maybe a hundred times the last few years, but always seem to fall back......

Time to try something new. For motivation (and a bit of group pressure) i'm going to write weekly reports and observations on my progress. Hope this will keep me on track !

Anyway. Today is day 1, week 1. Score is 0 kg, 55 kg to go........ Will probably take up to a year to complete...

First step is to watch the calories and start with some lunch walks again. then slowly but surely start moving more.

Biggest challenge for me are evenings and nights. If only i could sleep a full night without waking up hungry....

Update in a week. Hope that will be good news...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige