Saturday, January 01, 2011

Weight 2011 - week 1

My new years resolution for this year is (again) to lose weight. I have tried maybe a hundred times the last few years, but always seem to fall back......

Time to try something new. For motivation (and a bit of group pressure) i'm going to write weekly reports and observations on my progress. Hope this will keep me on track !

Anyway. Today is day 1, week 1. Score is 0 kg, 55 kg to go........ Will probably take up to a year to complete...

First step is to watch the calories and start with some lunch walks again. then slowly but surely start moving more.

Biggest challenge for me are evenings and nights. If only i could sleep a full night without waking up hungry....

Update in a week. Hope that will be good news...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Gamla Landsvägen,Norrköping,Sverige

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hoi Geert.

Ik hoop dat het gaat lukken.
Een ding weet ik zeker je kunt het.
Hou het vol dan zit je ook weer beter in je vel.
Heel veel geluk en ik volg je op de voet.

Ma Rina